The main character, Juliette, was easy to relate to as she navigated family situations, online dating, and coping with life's hardships by cooking up some of her favorite recipes. I love that the recipes were included. Now I just need to make a list, go to the grocery store and test out a few of these! They sounded amazing. Juliette's mom was French and her dad was Italian, so you can just imagine the food she prepared throughout the book.
It was a fun, easy read. The only thing I wish Lodge had gone into more detail about was Juliette's trip to Europe. It was at the very end of the book and not much detail. Kind of disappointing because I thought it could go somewhere.
Overall, I'd recommend it to 20-30 something-year-old women looking for something fun to read this summer. If you're going on vacation, add this to your packing list!
"Why did I try online dating? I imagine the reason most people do - I was lonely. And it wasn't for lack of people around me. There is a special kind of loneliness for the single and the busy, people with friends and jobs and family and the gnawing awareness that as I get older and more responsible, I'm still alone" (128).
I reviewed this book for Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers Blogging for Books. I received this book for free in exchange for a review of the book.