Monday, March 23, 2015

February: 3 Books

I go through seasons of reading. Some months I read more books than others. In January, I read six books (probably because I was finishing some books). Here are the three I read in February:

The Art Lesson: I work in a book room and have found a few books by one of my favorite childhood authors, Tomie dePaola. He is fantastic and always has great lessons in his books. Fun quick read.

Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer. This is a C.S. Lewis book I had never heard of before. It was neat to just get an inside look into his letters. It would have been great to get the other side of the book from Malcolm. My favorite chapter in this book is 21 (I subtitled it "prayer is irksome" since none of the chapters have titles). I am comforted by the fact that Lewis did not have it all together -- and he openly admits it. "The truth is, I haven't any language weak enough to depict the weakness of my spiritual life" (113). I'm not the only one! This is a good read if you're looking to dive into the topic of prayer.

Churchless: Because I got this book for free from the publisher in exchange for a review, I wrote a different post on this book. Find it here.