Saturday, May 16, 2015

April: Super Late!

Sorry for the lateness of this post. Life is flying by!

Spring seems to always be the busiest time of year! I know it's mid-May, but here's the books I read in April!

The Autobiography of George Muller was a book for CS Lewis Institute. It was really interesting to read. It seems like his whole life was about money... praying for it and trusting in God's provision. I struggle with living a life like he did, not letting other people know anything about needs. I love that he wanted to help children in England. He was very persistent in prayer. Loved reading an autobiography of a great missionary.

The Power of a Half Hour by Tommy Barnett
Because I received this book for free, I wrote an entire post for the book here.

Educating All God's Children by Nicole Baker Fulgham. I heard Nicole Baker Fulgham speak at last year's Justice Conference simulcast. I love her passion for education and Michigander background! Reading this book took some time -- I started reading it on the bus and found myself starting to cry, so I had to put it away for a while until I had time to devote to it. It is heartbreaking to hear about the nature of America's education system. There are a lot of factors up against our students and this issue is URGENT. Millions of children are effected by the educational systems we have in place right now. If anything, this book has confirmed that I am supposed to be involved in education in some way. I highly recommend this book!

I heard about It Takes a Fool from a colleague of mine. It is about bullying. This book shares the story of the author's childhood experiences. Just when you think it cannot get any worse, it does. This was an interesting insight into a bully's mindset and what may be happening outside of school to spark the conflicts we see at school.

Sometimes it is best to read children's books. They contain the main points of an issue, so I checked out a few books on Nelson Mandela. This book was really great for giving a broad overview of his life and passion for equality in South Africa. I am excited to go to South Africa this week and see it in person. This man was amazing, and we can learn a lot from him. He's not perfect (he readily admits that), but he has been a world-changer.

This is another children's book from the book room I work in at the school. It was great to read stories of earlier times. It seems like life was so much easier in smalltown USA than now-a-days. At the same time, I am glad to be where I am. Just really funny to read some of the stories and see the differences between now and 50 years ago.

Last but certainly not least, is this book. Anyone who has read Lucado knows that he has a way with words. This book was practical and helpful for thinking through life (looking at your life backwards) to see where we can uniquely serve the Kingdom of God. Read this book slow enough to actually contemplate life. This is not for speed-reading.