Friday, September 27, 2013

Sticking Points

I have always found the topic of the generations fascinating. Shaw compares the four that have entered the workplace and challenges us to see each other differently. There are reasons behind our behaviors and what causes friction right now can be used to understand each other and work together well in the future.

It was great to get more information on the four generations in the workplace: Traditionalists (born before 1943), Boomers (1944-1964), Gen Xers (1965-1981), Millennials (1982-2003) (kindle location 162).

Part one of the book covers the ghost stories from each generation. These are events that have happened that affect how we process the twelve sticking points. These events affect the way we think and act.

Part two covers the twelve sticking points: communication, decision-making, dress code, feedback, fun at work, knowledge transfer, loyalty, meetings, policies, respect, training, and work ethic. Each generations' view is covered as well as ways you can discuss with your employees the issue in that chapter.

It was an overall good book. If you are looking to understand people (and their behaviors) better, I recommend this book. It covers four different generations that are in the marketplace and is mainly for working through differences at work. I noticed a few things about family members and co-workers from this book.

In exchange for this review, Tyndale Publishing gave me the book for free.

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