Friday, February 1, 2013

stack o' book

Last year I posted a stack of books that I wanted to read through in 2012. I made it through about half of them. I got distracted by books from the library, free books that came from Blogging for Books/Multnomah Publishing, and just an overall busy season of life.

Here's my current stack of books:

I have read two of the books before (Faith in the City and Walking with God), but I feel like I could benefit from reading them again (something I rarely do -- I think I have read Messy Spirituality 2-3 times -- the most of any book).

January has been slow for me since I wanted to try to read Les Mis before seeing the movie (I got to 27% on my kindle before seeing it with a friend). So I am still working my way through it. In addition to the books pictured, I want to read through the Lord of the Rings series. I have a college prof who is creating a class on Tolkien's works and we are having an online discussion via Facebook so he can work out what he wants to teach this fall. So super excited. Except I JUST read The Hobbit and I'll have to do it again. Oh well. Time well spent to continue learning from this man, Charlie Starr. I took his class on C.S. Lewis and it was by far one of my favorite college classes! 

Here's to reading in 2013! 

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